Lesson of the Week: Prepare for a Crash Landing


Prepare for a Crash Landing by Andrew Moncada (South Korea ETA)

What would you need to survive after crashing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?

This week’s featured lesson puts your students’ critical thinking skills to the test; can they choose the correct eight items for survival? Following a clip of the television drama “Lost,” students work individually at first, and then try to solve the mission in groups. The group that correctly chooses the most items wins. (The correct eight items are based off of an exercise for United States Marines).

The lesson, by Andrew Moncada, is for high school level students, but can also be simplified for lower-level students. A detailed lesson plan and PowerPoint presentation are included, along with all necessary worksheets needed to prepare for and execute the lesson!!

Lesson Files:

  1. Lesson Plan
  2. PowerPoint
  3. Individual Missions
  4. Group Mission
  5. Supplies
  6. Marines Survival Items

Good luck, and may the best group survive to the end! Check back next week for an elementary-level lesson of the week.


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