Lesson of the Week: Fall in America


Fall in America by Johanna Yun (South Korea ETA) & Kristen O’Brien (South Korea ETA)

Suitable for all ages! This was originally taught to high schoolers, but I also taught this to my elementary 6th graders. What better way to celebrate the fall season then by teaching your students a lesson on Fall culture in America? Teach your students about fall fashion, trends, and pop culture. This PPT mainly has photos, showing students Fall clothing/fashion trends, fall foods, fall activities, and also briefly discusses how “back to school” is in September for Americans. I also briefly included the typical breaks for students in America, which students were really fascinated to learn about.

Follow up the PPT with a fun game of Fall Bingo! Just print out blank bingo templates, and read the descriptions included in the MS word document. There is a description, with the vocab word in parentheses. Just write the vocab words on the board, and have the students write them on their bingo boards. The students will have the match your description with the vocab words you just taught them about Fall!

I haven’t included enough materials for the entire lesson, because at the time of the lesson I taught it as a lesson with a guest/visiting teacher (another ETA). To supplement the extra time, I suggest showing some youtube videos, or having another activity (ie. a word search or something).



  • Blank bingo templates (print 1 for each student)

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