Lesson of the Week: Elementary- How Are You

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Elementary- How Are You Lesson By FrancesS

This week’s Lesson is for elementary or low level students, and teaches the phrase and expressions for “How Are You?” This is usually a lesson taught to 4th grade elementary schoolers, so I combined these resources with the textbook materials. These resources, however, would also do well as a lesson on their own, or for after school or club classes for lower level students.

I found these materials on waygook.org, shared by FrancesS, and I tweaked and edited some of them for my students. Feel free to edit as needed, or add on more expressions if you wish.

The PPT contains 2 games, and 1 activity.

  1. Psy Game: Students form teams and randomly choose and read one expression. Click the corresponding expression, and students can earn points.
  2. R,P,S Game: Rock, paper, scissors game! I printed out two of the expression card slides, and gave students two expressions each. Students go around asking “How are you” and reading one of the expressions they have. The first student to earn all 6 different expressions wins the game.
  3. Draw the expressions: I gave each student a handout of people’s blank faces. They draw the expression, and to check, I have the students come up to the board and draw.

[Download the PPT here]

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