Lesson of the Week: Easter (Part 1)

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Elementary Easter Lesson by meganekko (waygook.org)

This lesson is coming late, but you can still teach your students about Easter in the spring time, and you can always recycle this lesson for next year! This lesson can be used for elementary students (part 1), and the next post will focus on secondary students (part 2).



Easter PPT

Warm-up: Ask students about the weather and the season. Ask them if they know anything about Easter.
Intro: Easter PPT. May need a coteacher to explain that EAster is both a Christian and a spring holiday. The PPT focuses mainly on the spring holiday aspect.

Activity 1: Easter egg hunt. Instead of using real eggs or plastic eggs, you can use print out eggs and hide them around your school or classroom.

1) Easter is a spring holiday.
2) Easter basket
3) On Easter we eat candy.
4) baby animals
5) On Easter we eat dinner with friends and family.
6) Happy Easter
Activity 2: Easter Egg Design contest. Print the template 4 to an A4 sheet, which seemed like the perfect size. Let the students draw for 10 minutes or so, then hold a voting contest on the best egg. Give a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize.

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